Is Amla Good For Health?

  What is amla? Amla (scientific name: Phyllanthus emblica), also known as Indian Gooseberry is a small, yellow-green fruit that grows on deciduous trees commonly found in India and neighboring areas. This superfruit has been an integral part of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries due to its incredible health benefits and unique nutritional value. Nutritional Powerhouse One of the reasons that distinguishes Amla from other fruits is its extraordinary nutritional properties. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, this humble fruit also contains vitamin C, which makes it … Read more

Who is Shri Radha

  The word ‘radha’ is formed from sanskrit root ‘radh’ which means ‘aradhana’-to worship. It is used in two ways. One is ‘aradhita’ – one who is worshipped and other is ‘aradhika’. – one who worships. Let’s find out what do scriptures say about Shri Radha. RADHIKA TAPANI UPANISHAD The scripture consists of the hymns … Read more