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Where Was Shri Krishna Born Exactly?



Where was Shri Krishna born exactly? The common answer is that Lord Krishna appeared in Mathura as a son of Devaki and Vasudeva and he was brought to Gokul by Vasudeva. But in reality, Lord Krishna was born in Gokul as a son of Yasodaa and Nanda.

Srimad Bhagavat 10:3:9 says as follows.

‘tam adbhutam baalakam ambujekṣaṇam
catur-bhujam sankha-gadaady-udaayudham
srivatsa-lakṣmam gala-sobhi-kaustubham
pitaambaram saandra-payoda-saubhagam’

Vasudeva then saw the newborn baby, who had very wonderful lotus-like eyes and he bore the four things sankha, chakra, gadaa and padma in his four hands same as Lord Naaraayana. The mark of srivatsa was present on his chest and he wore a brilliant kaustubha gem on his neck. He was dressed in yellow and his body was blackish like a dense cloud.


Vasudeva brought the newborn child from Mathura to Gokul.


In Visnu Yamala the following sloka is written.

“Lino nandasute raajan ghane saudamini yathaa

Vasudevo samaanito vaasudevo akhilaatmani”

It means that the boy who was brought by Vasudeva merged into the boy who was given birth to by Yasodaa, the wife of Nanda, just like lightning merges into a cloud.


Harivansh Puraana of Mahaabhaarata said, ‘Nandapatniyaam yashodaayaam mithunam samopadyata’ The meaning is – Yasodaa, the wife of Nanda gives birth to two babies.


Vasudeva brought Yogmaya, who appeared as a newborn child of Yasodaa with Lord Krishna, from the house of Nanda and came to Mathura.

Let’s explore some other evidence from scripture.

Srimad Bhagavat 10:3:53-

‘yasodaa nanda-patni ca
jaatam param abudhyata
na tal-lingam parisraantaa

Being very tired by the labor of childbirth, Yasodaa was overpowered by sleep and was not able to understand what kind of child she had given birth to.


Srimad Bhagavat 10:5:1-

‘nandas tu aatmaja utpanne’


In this sloka, the words “aatmaja utpanne” are very significant. The word atmaja means ‘son’ and utpanne means ‘having been born’. It is evident from the sloka that Nanda is Krishna’s own father.


Srimad Bhagavat 10:14:1-

 naumiḍya te ’bhra-vapuṣe taḍid-ambaraaya
vanya-sraje kavala-vetra-viṣaaṇa-veṇu-
lakṣma-sriye mṛidu-pade pasupaangajaaya

This is the prayer of Lord Brahmaa offered to Shri Krishna. In this sloka, Lord Brahmaa addressed Shri Krishna as pasupaangajaaya. It means the son of the cowherd (Nanda Maharaj).


Goswami Tulsidas Ji wrote in Vinay Patrika about where was Shri Krishna born as follows.

“Sur muni vipra vihaaya varekul  gokul janam gop griha lino”

It means Lord Krishna appeared in the house of a cowherd (Nanda Maharaj) avoiding demigods, sages, brahmans, and persons with great family backgrounds.




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